This is just a few words about me.
I was born a few years ago in Somerset. Never you mind when! The picture shows me struggling up a near cliff at Lulworth Cove, which my partner took me to on my last birthday.
I live with my partner of quite a few years on the outskirts of Worthing with a beautiful view of Cissbury Ring from the back garden.
The back garden is filled with my partner's reptiliaries in which he keeps literally hundreds of lizards. I like them a great deal but
don't do much with them except when he is away.
We have two cats, one is a great ball of fluff who we accidentally adopted - or rather she adopted us! We call her Jingles ... or Flossie .... or "you horrible little monster" when she brings mice in.
The other, named Oscar is a beautiful pale ginger neutered tom who has taken
over as chief mouser as Flossie gets older. For some reason
he left a truly loving home and moved in with us - even though he was returned
several times. We have had several cats over the years, but my favourite was named Baz,
a black short hair from the Cats Protection League. He was incredibly faithful, and when me or my partner go out will sit for hours at the drive entrance waiting for us
and even go out for walks with us.
Baz Sadly, no longer with us, but
always loved, never forgotten |
Jingles |
Oscar |
My main hobbies are walking and gardening. I am very proud of my front garden although I must admit I don't often know the names of what I grow in it. But after its regular weekend tidy it looks lovely almost all the year round. I go for at least a short walk - half an hour or so - every day, usually very early in the morning. At weekends, or when I have a day off I will go for much longer walks, often with friend. These can be anything from an hour and a half to 6 or 7 hours - although the latter are punctuated by a pause at a suitable hostelry.
I love Labrador dogs. Much as I would like one myself, Baz wouldn't like it and as I work full time I couldn't really look after it very well. Perhaps, when I have retired ......
In the meantime I have some very good friends who keep and breed Labradors and take them to trials. I sometimes go with them, so I do get a fairly good dose of
My partner and I each have our own hobbies and interests. In addition, I am an "early worm" and he is a "night owl". We often joke that we never see each other. That's not really true. We do spend time together, much of it in simply a companionable and comfortable silence (even though I am normally very noisy!). We are both very independent people but don't mind admitting that we are, nevertheless, very dependent on each other. And we wouldn't change each other one jot. Nonetheless, if there is a
millionaire out there with one foot in the grave and the other on a bar of soap .........
Well, that's enough about me.
I just hope whoever reads this has as good a life as I do.